Monday, April 23, 2012

A Scam?!

It seems that there is no stopping for insatiable greed; and after corporate greed comes educational greed that will surely affect the lives of students and parents of this country (The Philippines). Pardon me for being skeptical, but I certainly believe that the Department of Education's K-12 Program is nothing but a scam.

Following other people's footsteps is dangerous and absurd; and anyone who blindly follow is a fool. The educational system of the Philippines has so many problems, like; over population; lack of classrooms, books, and chairs; incompetent and under paid teachers; and more. Furthermore, for a third world country to follow a system being practiced by developed countries like Europe and U.S. needs careful studies; yet we are being bombarded,brainwashed, fooled, and forced to swallow a questionable foolish idea without proper consultation and approval from the populace who will definitely carry its resultant burden.
overcrowded classrooms
In my experience, something is wrong and something bad is about to happen when the government complicate things, could not understand simple logic, when it is on the rush and uses "the railroad" in approving and implementing a bill, and when it can't perceive the chicken shit on tip of its nose.

I once d wrote, "when it comes to money, people, even those who are supposed to be religious, become indifferent". As what  we have seen in the past, in the administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, when the deafening silence of Catholic Church to make a stand against a government, which is perceived by many to be very corrupt, was revealed during the Senate investigation on Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation scam. In this controversial K+12 program, observe the silence of all sectors, even of the opposition.  I hate to mention this and I hope that my assessment is wrong that money is the source of power and it corrupts everyone.

What is the background of this guy, Department of Education Secretary Armin Luistro? With so many promises and seemingly impractical ideas, he is like a politician and a fool  in a dreamland. But unlike the corrupt politicians who usually use and mention the poor to push through their wicked whims, Secretary Luistro is clearly anti-poor. For the reason that the ten years span for average Filipino student to finish High school is already a majority of Filipino parent's Calvary Cross; and anyone who will add more load to that hardship is not only ignorant, callous, corrupt, and stone-hear-ted but (if not evil) a mentally ill person. Secretary Luistro doesn't solve problems, although he claimed and appeared to be;  rather, he himself is a problem and he is just adding his essential to our already problematic educational system.

Coincidence have ways of revealing absurdity, as I have my way of interpreting signs. And it seems that there is a reason why they have chosen the equation K+12 for this program. K is the letter widely accepted to represent words like:year, constant, thousand, and amount of money. Moreover, plus (+) means adding some more; and number 12 popularly represents a number of disciples, which includes a traitor. Hence, K+12 program means more years and more money scheme; and considering the number of schools and years, the plus sign (+) is actually a multiplier (X) that will constantly (K) and eternally rip us off starting at year 2012.
K + 12 is a mathematical equation, which according to Department of Education is more school years, which means more time to spend in school, more foods and energies to consume for education,  more books and school supplies to buy, and more transport fares and tuition fees to pay. All these just to be globally competitive (as if we're not despite the bloodsucking corruption everywhere)  while many of us only want to survive the years of struggle to reach the finish line, get the High School finisher certificate, and use it to find a job. 

Some pro-K + 12 advocates brought out the issue of ambition and competition; seems unaware of the fact that for us in the poor sector, to finish High School and work as a janitor is an ambition; and in choosing between competition and completion, the latter is any given day's poor man's choice.

The fact that it will aggravate the financial burden of parents
and that the Aquino proposed education budget cannot resolve the
shortages even under the current 10-year system clearly explains
the program's foolishness. The education budget clearly explains
why the K-12 program is a stupid move. Education budgets for the
past years were unable to resolve the ballooning shortages in
basic education and with the current proposed budget under
Aquino, the shortages will continue to balloon. Adding two years
will just add salt to the already rotting wound of basic
education.—Ayla Garduce, The Daily Tribune[20]

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